ProMAP Leak Detector

The Protronix MAP Leak Detector is an online sealed food tester that is capable of non-destructively detecting pin hole sized leaks from Modified Atmosphere Packaged (MAP) goods on production lines operating at up to 200 units per minute with 100% of packs tested.

Using proprietary detection technology the Protronix MAP Leak Detector is able to accurately identify and reject a wide range of faulty food products such as Cheese, Fresh Meat, Fish and ready meals.

Reduced Customer Complaints and Increased Yield

By identifying leaking products during production food packagers can significantly reduce consumer complaints and returns which leads to improved revenues for the manufacturer. These products can also be reworked to reduce food waste.

The removal of poorly sealed products prior to dispatch allows brand owners to be assured that their products wont spoil on the shelf.

User Friendly Technology

The Protronix MAP Leak Detector has been designed to be easily retrofitted onto existing production lines. By using good system design the operation and maintenance of the system is greatly simplified. The system has also been designed to easily cope with production line product change overs.


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